thats what Jeff yelled at 11:35 am Sunday morning. The rest of the day is a blur of smoke, fear, firemen, firetrucks, neighbors, friends, and craziness all mixed together. As the dust(smoke)settled so did a sense of gratitude. We are very grateful to be here and to have a home still standing. Another 5 minutes and that may not have been the case. We were very blessed and the angels that Elder Holland was talking about were truly with us on Sunday. A big thank you goes out to all those who have helped and continue to help, love, labor, cooking, washing, talking, typing, money, gift certificates, all have been so generous. We are truly thankful. We are so blessed. There is still much to be done, in the house downstairs and upstairs, but we lost nothing of value, we are very lucky. stay safe .....
(Pictures: ceiling cooked through, electrical fried, jeff scraping and jeff and jimmy taking off the ashes.....they were terrific.)