Saturday, October 11, 2008


Looking up into the ceiling at one of several spots, the board exposed is the
living room, it had gone through all the flooring, again
a blessing it didn't break through to the carpet.

This is outside the basement door, this
doorway was as black as it is in the
picture, but with smoke, so that I couldn't
see Jeff when he was inside keeping water on it.

Some of our helpers, Jim Pasternak, Rob Puida.
They helped start the painting process.

Looks different white.

Ben Jacobs spent a day painting, what a day to spend
a beautiful Saturday... thanks to all the great helpers.
Seems so much better now, we are so grateful.


Kelly Tillotson October 12, 2008 at 4:18 PM  

holy cow---i am so sorry that happened! what a great team we have in connecticut! there probably isn't anything of worth i could do to help you out...but if there is, please let me know. i want to head down that way sometime this week to visit my grandma. love you--be safe! do you like the new layout? i tried to find cream but couldnt come up with much...and the brown background really shows off the white writing..but let me know, i can always do more searching!